Why is living a life of principle in this hour so important?
Sharing the truths of life helps to shake values, convictions, and directions in our lives and we learn to do this with the security of that which will work in every season in life and how to help others.
Wisdom is a principle thing and getting wisdom is so important in this hour.
Living in principle produces predictability, consistency, and stability, all of which are important in this hour.
What principles have worked for you?
Walking in love, a principle for success in God and with Man allows me to always treat my fellow man with compassion even past wrong doing. It's not always easy, but being principle driven should be challenging. In fact , that's how you know your living in principle.
What does being principle driven mean to you?
Peter talks about the Divine nature of God which compels us to use principles so that we are kind and growing in the faith. It means using these principles so that we are more and more like God, being transformed into His image.